Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Research: Edo Japan

For my first project in Concept Visualisation; Character Creation, I have been given the period of Edo Japan to study. From this period, and based on the Tinder-Box, I will create at least 50 character silhouettes, from which I will create value studies and colour variations. Based on these, I will then design a model sheet (side, front, back, etc. views), character sheets, and finally, a finished character piece, complete with background.

Below is my first pages of research, in which I look at clothing, hairstyles, accessories, and weapons. At this point, I was still unsure about which of the characters of Hans Christian-Andersen's story to base my designs on, and so the research is more generalised.

At this point, I decided to work on the witch as my character, and so I looked more closely at Geishas, headwear, kimono patterns and instruments.

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