For Will's first life drawing session of the term, we focused on clothing and facial expression, spending a few minutes on each sketch. For the faces, Will explained that the shape and angle of the face wasn't important, and that it was better to focus on the features and contours of the model's face to capture her emotions accurately.
For the body sketches, aside from the obvious anatomy study, we were also told to pay attention to our mark making and blending, to highlight the difference in texture between the model's top, skirt, and skin.
For the last part of the session, we drew used mid-tone paper, and black and white chalk, to capture the shadows and highlights of the model and her clothes. I like how this piece turned out, particularly the folds in her clothes, however I think that the highlights on her cardigan are too strong, making the fabric look like a more reflective material.
In our second session, we focused on hands and perspective and, as before, spent only a few minutes on each sketch. An important aspect of the hands that Will highlighted was the importance of capturing the contours of each part of each finger, and also the proportion of the palm to the fingers.
For the perspective drawings, the model held a wooden box in various positions, and we were tasked with drawing the box initially, then drawing the model in scale to the box.
For the final part of the session, we began by drawing a chair, paying very close attention to the proportions of it, so that when we drew the model in three different poses around the chair, we could use the chair as reference for the model's proportions, fitting him into the scene.