Monday, 10 February 2014

Charity Modelling Tests

Moving on from my silhouettes, I decided to model some ideas for various aspects of my charity character.

Here, I modelled two dress concepts, playing with the idea of either having her dress be made of mostly leaves, vines, and the like, or more of a solid piece, from which I can build more detail such as fruits, leaves, etc. into. From these models, I was drawn more to my first idea of clothes made of plants, and so I decided to look into the possibility of building the more solid aspects of her character into her body, in particular her shoulders, which I plan to leave open.

I particularly liked my initial idea of morphing her skin into branches, to make her appear less human and more of an embodiment of nature's charity. My final idea here could also be of use, to give her skin more texture, and to reinforce the idea that she is the epitome of growth and nature's provision.

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