Thursday, 1 May 2014

Castle Drawing: Keep & Animals

For our drawing session at the Castle with George, we focused on aspects of the keep that could be useful in our modelling, specifically doors, arches, and windows.

After spending some time on individual aspects, we then tried to combine those aspects together. My idea was to use the windows' architecture to make a large archway, looking into a room filled with different sized windows. Unfortunately I spent too much time on the archway, and so none of the windows got drawn.

Finally, George did a short exercise with us where we sketched out a random shape for the person next to us, then they had to fill in the shape and make a quick building to fit.

In our second session at the Castle, Will asked us to think about the idea of creating a monster, and showed us how many traditional monster, and some modern monsters too, are based on a variety of animals. We were then tasked with creating our own monster from two or more animals in the castle. I chose a fawn and a tiny monkey, and created the creature below. 

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