Thursday, 1 May 2014

Character Comparisons

For part of our CS work, Sharon asked up to take two different characters and compare their designs with one another, focusing on their base shapes and colour choices.

Centaur Warchief is made up of a combination of both rectangles and triangles. Rectangles make up the base body, giving an image of strength, fortitude, and toughness. On top of that however, he is posed as if he is ready for combat, which makes the triangles that appear on his armour and weapons seem even more daunting, showing that as a character, he is tough and stalwart, but also dangerous. Compacting this is the colour scheme of the character, featuring lots of red and black, two dark colours that can symbolise blood and death.

On the other hand, Queen Anne is made up of almost entirely triangles, from her nose spike, to her gaping maw, to her razor-sharp teeth, and this even carries over to her environment, which features long, pointed grass, further emphasising her danger. Her colour scheme is very different to Centaur Warchief's, however, featuring very bright yellows and reds. The reds still portray an image of blood and anger, however the yellow presents her as a different threat to the Warchief's. Yellow could represent an exoticness about her danger - such as poison or simple unfamiliarity. Alternatively, you could see the yellow as a symbol of putridness, and any of these interpretations adds to the sense of danger she provides.

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